Pet Transport and Pet Boarding Specialists

Benji and Kenzo are Safe and Sound in the UK

Keringa-Petwings received these photos and an email from their family:

From our side, we would like to thank Keringa-Petwings for helping to get Benji and Kenzo safely to the UK. They are enjoying all the new toys and long walks in the evening. It took them a few days to adjust and settle in, other than that they are doing well and enjoying the UK.
Benji and Kenzo (one of our 50th birthday luck draw discount winners) are Safe and Sound in the UK Keringa-Petwings Pet Transport Testimonials 2
Benji and Kenzo (one of our 50th birthday luck draw discount winners) are Safe and Sound in the UK Keringa-Petwings Pet Transport Testimonials 2

Keringa-Petwings specialises in pet transport to the UK and other countries around the world.

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