Pet Transport and Pet Boarding Specialists

Leia Has Arrived Safely in New Zealand

Keringa-Petwings received these photos and an email from her family:

Everything went smoothly, and she seems to be settling in well, thank you for following up! We got her a jacket and a raincoat for when the rain catches us on walks, and I got her and my partner a bit of a surprise. The photos below are from when I collected her at the Pet Haven quarantine station. .
Leia Has Arrived Safely in New Zealand 🐕❤️🇳🇿
Leia Has Arrived Safely in New Zealand Keringa-Petwings-Pet-Transport
Leia Has Arrived Safely in New Zealand Keringa-Petwings-Pet-Transport
Leia Has Arrived Safely in New Zealand Keringa-Petwings-Pet-Transport

Pet transport to New Zealand and other countries. Done beautifully.

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