Pet Transport and Pet Boarding Specialists

Rocket Has Joined His Family in Canada

Keringa-Petwings received this email and photos from his family:

Rocket is doing really well. He had maybe a day where he was a bit jet lagged but he is back to his usual self. He is going for loads of walks and he's chased his first squirrel. Thank you for the attention and care you've given us.
Rocket Has Joined His Family in Canada Keringa-Petwings Pet Transport Testimonials img 1
Rocket Has Joined His Family in Canada Keringa-Petwings Pet Transport Testimonials img 2
Rocket Has Joined His Family in Canada Keringa-Petwings Pet Transport Testimonials img 3

Keringa-Petwings transports dogs and other pets to Canada and other countries around the world. Beautifully.

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Petwings & Petwheels