Pet Transport and Pet Boarding Specialists

Leia is Living Her Best Life in New Zealand

Keringa-Petwings received these photos and an email from her family:

Thanks again to you and the rest of your team. Leia is living her best life, goes for regular walks to the beach and has settled in very nicely. We couldn’t have made this possible without your help. All our gratitude.
Leia is Living Her Best Life in New Zealand Keringa-Petwings Pet Transport Testimonials
Leia is Living Her Best Life in New Zealand Keringa-Petwings Pet Transport Testimonials
Leia is Living Her Best Life in New Zealand Keringa-Petwings Pet Transport Testimonials

Pet transport to New Zealand and worldwide. Done beautifully.

Talk to one of our friendly, knowledgeable pet travel agents if your dogs, cats, bearded dragons, bunnies, birds, and other pets need to be relocated – throughout South Africa and countries all around the world:

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