Pet Transport and Pet Boarding Specialists

Molly and Marie are Safe and Sound in Australia 🇦🇺🐈❤️

Their family sent this email to Keringa-Petwings pet travel agent, Roxanne Barnard:

We hope you are keeping well. We wanted to let you know that we were finally reunited with Marie and Molly last night, YAY! We went to collect them from Perth airport, and as we were waiting at cargo for someone to help us, Marie heard our voices and started meowing from inside. They were very happy to be able to sleep next to us last night.

Thank you for all your assistance in getting the kitties to Aus! We are grateful to you, Colin, Ina, and the rest of the Keringa team for all the care and love given to Molly and Marie, and for getting them ready for their flight. Please forward our gratitude to everyone there.
Molly and Marie are Safe and Sound in Australia
Molly and Marie are Safe and Sound in Australia
Molly and Marie are Safe and Sound in Australia

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